Everyone is a unique and extremely complex being. What "wood" he is made of, plays aa key role in his personal development, in the way he deals with challenges in life and some crisis situations, rather with his head held high and self-confident or rather sad and continuously caught in the "victim role" ".
My colorful intercultural life and work experiences have stimulated me over the years, to look for some holistic answers to special questions and to work with people who encounter similar life questions on their individual journeys to themselfs.
I like to work with people and organizations who courageously promote both personal and professional development and change, who live and work diverse and interculturally. I am looking forward to work with people who get to know and understand their highly sensitive disposition and who really want to integrate it into their lives and thus want to strengthen their own identity. In all of these areas, the plenitude of the WHY? questions almost get answered by themself, the blaze of colors of the countless perspectives are finally toucheble!
It is the people who have been searching for answers for a long time - people who can easily get lost due to lack of self confidence, feeling poor in their originis, abilities, educational background and so on. They just feel different. Highly sensitve people need solid anchors - they often struggle with the feeling of "not being ok". In the end, it's about those women, men, youngsters who feel they own difference and want to learn how to deal with it, to learn to cherish their competencies and differences and "feel ok" regardless of anybody else's expactations. I accompany these people with my knowledge, experience, boldness, empathy and professionalism on their journey!
Through my holistic work concept of using elements of the psychology, mental trainings, mindful and nonviolent communication, spiritual hints I often see the direct link between the different background of the people (Interculturality, Diversity,High sensitiveness) and the Need of Change something.
The thrive sustainable change, I work out individual solutions with every single client.
Let's meet and embark on an exciting journey to yourself!