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"Die Seele hat die Farbe deiner Gedanken".


Marc Aurelius

Coaching Diversity Hochsensibilität

Welcome to my practice !

My name is Anamaria Roth - de Mos and I am looking forward to welcome you on my website and hopefully soon in in my own practice as a Systemic Coach, Trainer and Consultant with special focus on Change Processes, Diversity & Interculturality and Highly sensitive persons!


It is both great pleasure and honor to me, having the opportunity to guide all those people dealing in their life for a long time with so many WHY? questions, who carry heavy life loads, old beliefs, patterns and outdated life perspectives  with them, who long to find and live their true essence -  on their actively chosen journey to new shores.

I guide those people based on my holistical, professional, authentic way of work. 


We are currently experiencing stormy, pretty ill times (both physically and mentally). It's not just the ongoing crisis provoked by our common invisible enemy we fight against (COVID19) all over the world - it's every personal and professional crises we experience on daily basis in all layers of the humanity. We all have to deal with losses of every kind (human, financial, political), depressions, burn-outs, mobbings, symptoms of exhaustion, fear and heavy selfesteem questions. Day after day. In so many of us, entire universes are shaken, entire existences are threatened. Our image of the world we knew, of ourselves, of our fellow human beings, suffers enormously under the pressure of change. However, change does not always comes voluntarely, by our own will, but because the crisis challenges us and triggers us by internal or external conflicts.


Unfortunately, people only develop most sustainably and effectively when their personality or parts of it are required to change. In turbulent times, we succed to learn more about ourselves and our environment than in stable, good times. If we can learn to accept the fact, that crises are there to drag us to our better selfs, to take over responsibility for our own existence, to get to know us, our lives, our attitudes and values, patterns in their core then we understand what unique opportunties are hiding behind the crises and we can incredibly grow. New experiences - need new energies. New energies gush from fresh sources. Do you know where your new sources are?


Why are such moments key in every individual's life?

How can we use the crises as an opportunity?


Many of our thought patterns, beliefs and imprints were placed in our cradle when we were born - mainly shaped by our cultural origin. We grow up with them, we live with them, we adapt to them perfectly and rarely question their validity. In heavy situations we mostly look to third parties to blame, we often see ourselves as victims and are convinced that we are helplessly at the mercy of the paralyzing situation. But we are not! We always have a choice.


We are what we think. The colors of our thoughts and our beliefs rub off on our attitudes towards life, on our actions and on the people with whom we interact in our immediate environment.


Every active change starts with a first step - there is never a more suitable time for it, the time is NOW !


Embark on this journey and bring new colors into your life!



Clear lifelines and strong intuition have always faithfully accompanied me on all professional and private paths. To deliberately recognize them, accept them and  integrate them into my life was a great gift.

I know, that in our wonderful deep core, we already have everything we need for a successful and healthy lifestyle. Too bad, we lost or just never discovered them while we were striving to survive.  Finding these treasure resources of us and integrate them into a balanced everyday life,  requires courage to create yourself.


Here you can find out how and why I can accompany you on your journey to personal and professional transformation, growth and true authenticity.


Working Areas

  • Change processes

  • Diversity & interculturality

  • High sensitive persons

My Portfolio


  • Private clients

  • Companies - Organisations -NGOs

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Knowledge corner

  • Events
  • Literature
  • Interesting reading pieces
  • Systemic coaching & consulting

  • Trainings - seminars - workshops

  • Projects

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